FREE GUIDEBOOK: 8 Essential Steps for Recovering From a Husband's Affair

Your Husband’s Accountability Helps Rebuild Trust
Accountability is one of the most important parts of rebuilding trust in your marriage after an affair. If you’re a woman whose husband has been unfaithful, and you’ve decided to look to God to heal your marriage, this is one tool that you can't ignore. It will be so...

Staying Transparent After An Affair
Transparency is non-negotiable after a betrayal if you intend to rebuild the trust in your marriage. You husband’s staying transparent after an affair won’t come naturally to him. But it's something he can work on. And, together, you can experience the beautiful...

Your Husband’s Relationship with God After an Affair
When rebuilding trust in your marriage after an affair, your husband’s relationship with God is essential for both of you. It is especially important for your husband to seek God’s heart and continue to grow in his faith. However, couples in this situation aren’t sure...

3 Ways to Manage Social Media After an Affair
Social media is everywhere you look. First it infiltrated computers, and now it has infiltrated our phones and other mobile devices as well. But if your husband has had an affair, it’s natural for you to feel skeptical about every type of interaction he has with...
Boundaries on the Job After a Work-Related Affair
If your husband has had a work-related affair, the news of it probably came as quite a shock to you. Whether you found out on your own, or he disclosed it to you, it hurt more than you can explain. But perhaps you and your husband are...
Rebuilding Intimacy In Marriage After An Affair
If you have either found out about, or your husband has disclosed his affair, it’s possible that you have decided to work on rebuilding your marriage. That is a wonderful decision, and you can be assured that God has healing in store for...
Honesty in Marriage After an Affair
When you realized that your husband had been having an affair, you were presented with a choice. You either had to decide to separate and possibly divorce, or you had to work through his betrayal. It might have been a hard decision,...
How Long Do Affairs Last?
When you learn that your spouse is having an affair, it can turn your entire world…
How to Deal With a Cheating Husband Biblically
When your husband cheats on you, you are overwhelmed and confused about what you…
How to Catch Him Cheating
Click to Subscribe How to Catch Him Cheating Perhaps you suspect that your husband is having an affair. In your gut you’re feeling something is off. The thought of it is consuming you, and it’s hard to think about anything else. Your main...
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