FREE GUIDEBOOK: 8 Essential Steps for Recovering From a Husband's Affair

5 Reasons Why Most Marriages Fail After Cheating
Once you’ve realized your spouse has cheated to you, it’s difficult to think about putting the pieces of your marriage back together again. You feel absolutely shattered, and you’re not really sure what you should do. Maybe you’d like to try to make it work, but it...

3 Signs Your Husband is Honest About His Infidelity
If your husband has had been involved in pornography, infidelity or a sexual addiction, one of the hardest things to him do is to talk about his sexual betrayal with you. Still, he knows that he has to disclose what happened. Maybe he's in that position right now, and...

Why a Complete Disclosure of an Affair is Important
If you’re a woman who has been sexually betrayed by a husband struggling with pornography, infidelity or a sexual addiction there’s no doubt that there are a million questions going through your mind. You’re angry, you’re hurt, and you’ve never felt so alone before....

Safe People to Talk to After an Affair
If you’ve recently found out that your spouse has had an affair, (or if you've known for some time) your response is likely to be one of shock, disbelief and anger. It’s completely normal for you to feel as though you want to talk to someone about what you’ve...

3 Things You’ll Notice If Your Spouse is Rebuilding Trust
It's amazing how things change once your husband starts to talk with a counselor or marriage coach after you've discovered he has sexually betrayed you. Finding out that your husband has been unfaithful to you, or that he has been dabbling with pornography was...

Top 4 Responses When Discovering Your Husband’s Affair
It's never easy to face the fact that your spouse has betrayed you; especially when that comes in the form of some type of sexual betrayal. If you're not careful, you can find yourself falling into a lot of different traps that actually prevent you from grieving...

3 Ways to Build Trust After Cheating
While it’s true that some marriages do not survive an affair or a life dominating pattern of sin-many marriages do. However, once the trust is gone, with a lot of work it is possible to get it back. In fact, once trust is regained you may come to a place in...

Are You Desperate to Save Your Marriage?
I CAN REMEMBER IT LIKE IT WAS YESTERDAY. I had just found out my husband was having an affair, and I was desperate to save our marriage. Perhaps you’re in the same situation with your marriage. You know there has to be a way, and you’re determined to find the answer...

Help! My Spouse is Having an Affair
Shock. Disbelief. Confusion. Perhaps those are the emotions you experienced the moment you realized your husband (wife) was unfaithful or involved in a serious marital betrayal. Even if you suspected it for quite some time, deep down, you prayed that it wouldn’t be...

Enveloped~ My Betrayal Story
Most of my work has been done in Christian marriage coaching and counseling, and I’m often asked why I decided to put my story in a book format. I love that question for so many reasons, and I’d like to answer it for you. In my sessions with my clients, whether they...
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